Welcome to my little corner of paradise! I’m happy you found it. Now that you are here, I have a question for you.
Have you ever been interested in cannabis but never felt like smoking was for you? Like there is too much to learn all at once and don’t know where to start. Have you ever felt like you didn’t really connect with stoner culture?
Well, me too!

I was always interested in cannabis but I’ve never truly felt like cannabis was interested in me. This changed when I met my cannabis mentor. She taught me everything I needed to know about this miraculous plant and more. She also gave me the courage to pursue my budding passion for edibles. Get it? Budding
Edibles were also the perfect medium for my two passions: cannabis and cooking, but I thought about everyone else stuck in the same situation that I was and decided the create The Loud Bowl, a place for people like me who never got the chance of having an amazing mentor.
Why The Loud Bowl?
You might not know, but weed can be loud. But what does that mean? Well, loud weed is cannabis can be either strong weed or high-quality weed and this is my promise to you. I will teach you how to make always vegan edibles that are always potent and always delicious. I also promise to be a loud voice for the cannabis community and people who simply can’t make their voices heard.
*It might also be a bit because I talk… a lot *
Now let’s talk about my second passion: cooking.
Maybe passion is not the right word. You might consider my love for cooking an obsession.
Yes, an obsession.
You don’t believe me? Well, you should, because I’ve not only got a degree in Applied Restaurant Management, but also got another one in Pastry, both from L’Institut de Tourisme et d’Hotellerie du Québec. I also ended up traveling a bit for my studies and ended up working in Corsica, Britanny, Banff. If you look closely at my CV, you might even spot a Relais & Chateau Hotel and a Michelin star restaurant somewhere on there.
Why Vegan?
While I was in the middle of my pastry degree I decided to become one of those vegans…. You know, the kind that is not an asshole.
I became vegan because of the Holy Trinity ( animals, environment, and health). So every recipe you will find on this blog will be vegan, but I promise you, it won’t be gross … or dry… or healthy either.
So you should stick around! I would love to teach you all I know about vegan cooking and cannabis. After all, you are now part of my family, and they don’t call me mama bear for nothing.
Elyse VeeBee
Pastry chef & edible enthusiast